- General
- Expertise
- Permis de Travail en Turquie
- E-Commerce in Turkey
- Shareholders’ Right to Request Information and Examination in Joint Stock Companies
- Value Added Tax Exemption Regarding Real Estate Purchases
- Immobilienübertragung in der Türkei
- La « Blue Card » en Turquie
- Turkey Adopted a New Commercial Pledge Regime for Movable Assets
- Intra-Corporate Dispute Arbitration in Turkey
- Permis de Résidence en Turquie
- Impôt sur Les Sociétés en Turquie
- Secured Lending in Turkey: Establishing a Mortgage over Real Estate
- New Presidential Decree on Information and Communication Security Measures
- Obligations of Non-resident Data Controllers under Turkish Law
- Establishing a Branch Office in Turkey [Video]
- Türkiye Hikes Corporate Tax Rates
- The Draft Communiqué on Remote Identification in Banking Services
- Turkish Crypto-Asset Regulation
- Gründung eines Gemeinschaftsunternehmens
- Transfer of Shares by Operation of Law: Death of LLC’s Shareholder
- Markenschutz in der Türkei
- Obligations of LLC Shareholders in Turkey [Video]
- Basic Share Transfer in Joint Stock Companies
- Loss of Capital in Türkiye
- Gründung einer Aktiengesellschaft in der Türkei [Video]
- Gründung eines Verbindungsbüros in der Türkei [Video]
- Cession d’Action dans les S.A. [Video]
- Changes on the Operation of Exchange Offices in Turkey
- Shareholders’ Right to Receive Dividends in Joint Stock Companies [Video]
- Situation de Blocage dans les S.A.R.L.
- Non-cash Capital Contributions into Turkish Companies
- Update on the Responsibility of the Banks for Each Cheque Leaf
- Turkey Streamlines the Issuance of Signature Declarations of Company Founders
- Liquidation des Sociétés en Turquie [Video]
- Liquidation von Unternehmen
- Establishing an Exchange Office in Turkey [Video]
- Salvage Reward under Turkish Law
- Sports Joint Stock Companies in Turkey [Video]
- International Arbitration Regime in Turkey
- Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in the United Kingdom
- Outbreak of Covid-19 and Force Majeure
- Delegation of the Management Authority of the Board of Directors in Turkey [Video]
- Arbeitserlaubnis in der Türkei [Video]
- Validity of Bank Guarantees under Turkish Law
- Board of Directors’ Authority to Represent a Joint Stock Company
- Social Security of Foreign Employees Working in Turkey [Video]
- Non-Delegable Duties and Powers of the General Assembly in Joint Stock Companies [Video]
- Renewable Energy Cooperatives
- Council of State Rules on the Liability Regime Regarding the Public Debts of Limited Liability Companies
- Maritime Liens in Turkey
- Création d'une Société à Responsabilité Limitée en Turquie [Video]
- Taxe sur la Valeur Ajoutée en Turquie
- A New Non-Banking Financial Service: Savings Finance Company
- Acquisition de Biens Immobiliers en Turquie [Video]
- Inspection Rights of LLC’s Shareholders under Turkish Law [Video]
- Extension of Deadlines on the Asset Peace Scheme
- Trademark: Relative Grounds for Refusal
- Intra-Corporate Dispute Arbitration in Türkiye [Video]
- Types of Employment Contract in Turkey [Video]
- Blue Card Program in Turkey
- Différences entre une S.A. et une S.A.R.L.
- Establishing an Exchange Office in Turkey
- Independent Audit of Joint Stock Companies in Türkiye
- Discharge of Board of Directors from Liability in JSC in Turkey [Video]
- Shareholders’ Right to Receive Dividends in Joint Stock Companies
- Türkiye Recalibrates the Administrative Fines in the Cabotage Act after 15 Years
- Novelties in Capital Loss and Negative Equity Regulations
- Unterschiede zwischen einer AG und einer GmbH
- Real Property Pre-Sale Agreements [Video]
- Registered Capital System in JSCs in Turkey [Video]
- Web-Land Registry: A Project of General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadaster
- Jewelry Trade Business in Türkiye [Video]
- New Procedure on Signature Declaration
- Turkish Sukuk Regulation
- Türkiye: Deadline Set for Minimum Capital Compliance
- The Amendments on the Regulation for Transactions Concerning Real Estates
- Savings Finance Companies in Turkey [Video]
- Foreign Direct Investments in Turkey
- Turkish Data Protection Authority Continues to Set Precedents on Data Breach
- Duties, Authorities and Responsibilities of An LLC Director
- Turkey to Facilitate Real Estate Sales Transactions by Authorising Notaries
- Mehrwertsteuer in der Türkei
- Secured Lending in Turkey: Enforcing a Mortgage
- Turkish Citizenship by Investment: A Quick Guide for International Investors
- Turkish Citizenship by Investment [Video]
- Aufenthaltserlaubnis in der Türkei
- Amendments to the Guide on Turkish Citizenship by Investment
- Set-up and Licensing of a Payment Institution in Turkey
- Trademark License Agreements under Turkish Law
- Turkish Citizenship by Investment Program
- Freight Forwarders in Turkey [Video]
- Dismissal of Board Members in Joint Stock Companies
- Legal Persons as a Joint Stock Company Board Member [Video]
- Prohibition on Self-Dealing and Lending to Board Members
- Deadlock in Limited Liability Companies
- Cession d’Action des Sociétés Anonymes
- Financial Rights of Shareholders in Limited Liability Companies
- Discharge of Board of Directors from Liability in Joint Stock Companies
- EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism: The Transitional Period
- Pharmaceutical Patents under Turkish Law
- Consumer Protection Against Unfair Commercial Practice: A Recent Amendment
- VAT Refund in Turkey: Opportunities for Overseas Transport Companies
- VAT Refund for Foreign Companies Participating in Trade Shows [Video]
- Prohibition on Self-Dealing and Lending to Board Members [Video]
- Income Tax in Turkey [Video]
- The Adjusted Minimum Equity Amounts for the Payment and Electronic Money Institutions in Türkiye
- Turkey Adopts Remote Working Regulation
- Gründung eines Gemeinschaftsunternehmens in der Türkei [Video]
- New Guide on Commercial Advertisings for Social Media Influencers
- Shareholders' Withdrawal or Dismissal in Joint Stock Companies in Turkey [Video]
- Procedures on the Execution of Real Estate Sales Transactions by Public Notaries: New Regulation
- A Legal Analysis on The Worldwide Regulations of Cryptocurrencies
- Amending a Company’s Articles of Association under Turkish Law
- Prohibitions Applied to Members of BoD in Joint Stock Companies
- Création d’un Bureau de Change en Turquie
- A New Legal Entity in Turkish Law: Sports Joint Stock Companies
- Convertible Bonds under Turkish Law
- Branch and Liaison Offices of Foreign Companies and Registry of Data Controllers (VERBİS)
- Körperschaftsteuer in der Türkei
- Capital Increase in Joint Stock Companies Under Turkish Law [Video]
- Crowdfunding in Turkey
- Distribution Contracts under Turkish Law
- Ship Sale and Purchase: A Practical Approach
- Establishing a Limited Liability Company in Turkey [Video]
- Türkiye Updated Ship Passenger Insurance Requirements: Differentiated Limits Based on Voyage Licenses
- Turkey Bans the Use of Crypto-assets in Payment Transactions
- Création d’une Co-entreprise
- Work Permits for Foreigners to be Employed in the Free Zones [Video]
- Work Permit for Foreigners to be Employed in Turkish Free-trade Zones
- Transfer of Shares in Joint Stock Companies [Video]
- Independent Audit in JSC under Turkish Law [Video]
- Patent Protection [Video]
- Gründung einer Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
- A New Communiqué on Bearer Shares
- Registered Capital System in Joint Stock Companies in Turkey
- Meeting and Decision Quorums for the General Assembly in Joint Stock Companies
- Temporary Regulation Regarding the Limitation on the Residential Rental Rate
- Corporate Tax in Turkey [Video]
- Electronic General Assembly System in Joint Stock Companies [Video]
- Gründung eines Verbindungsbüros
- Brief Introduction on Export Regime of Turkey
- Free-trade Zones in Turkey [Video]
- Importation of Foreign-Plated Land Vehicles for Personal Use in Turkey
- Covid-19: Adaptation of Insurance Policies
- Türkiye Raises VAT Rates for Goods and Services
- Turkish Personal Data Protection Board’s Announcement on Registration to VERBIS
- A Significant Step for International Mediation: The Singapore Convention on Mediation
- Legal Persons as a Joint Stock Company Board Member
- New Presidential Decree on Export Subsidies
- The Concept of ‘Commercial Representative’ under Turkish Law
- Tax Exemptions Concerning Foreign Direct Investments in Turkey
- Turkish Personal Data Protection Board’s Announcement on Corporate Rules for Data Transfers within Multinational Companies
- Arbeitserlaubnis in der Türkei
- Impôt sur le Revenu en Turquie
- Establishment of Foreign Bank Branches in Turkey
- Brokerage Contracts under Turkish Law
- Insurance Arbitration Schemes in Turkey
- Establishing a Joint Stock Company in Turkey [Video]
- Capital Increase in Joint Stock Companies Under Turkish Law
- Körperschaftsteuer in der Türkei [Video]
- Recent Changes in the Turkish Natural Gas Market Law
- Formation and Licensing of an Electronic Money Institution in Turkey [Video]
- Création d’une Société à Responsabilité Limitée
- Delegation of the Management Authority of the Board of Directors
- Inspection Rights for LLC Shareholders under Turkish Law
- Financial Rights of Shareholders in Limited Liability Companies [Video]
- Turkish Regulations to Embrace Digital Means For Consumer Protection
- Gründung einer Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung in der Türkei [Video]
- Covid-19: Suspension of Cheque Presentment
- Cession d’Action au sein des S.A.R.L.
- Relative Grounds for Refusal on Trademark [Video]
- Pharmaceutical Patents under Turkish Law [Video]
- Liquidation of Companies [Video]
- Türkiye Hikes the Monetary Limit for Consumer Arbitration
- Changes on Maritime Traffic Scheme of Turkish Straits
- Setting up a Business in Turkish Free-trade Zones
- Création d'une Société Anonyme
- Freight Forwarders in Turkey
- Electronic General Assembly System in Joint Stock Companies
- Türkiye to Raise Transit Fees for International Ships Crossing the Turkish Straits
- Value Added Tax in Turkey [Video]
- Executive Compensation under Turkish Law
- Bureau de Liaison [Video]
- Création d’une Succursale en Turquie [Video]
- Immobilienübertragung in der Türkei [Video]
- Liabilities of Members of the Board of Directors in a Joint Stock Company
- Elimination of International Double Taxation under Turkish Law
- Turkish Personal Data Protection Board’s Public Announcement on Covid-19
- Electronic General Assembly and Board of Directors Meetings in Sport Clubs
- Company Demergers in Turkey
- Turkey to Increase the Liability Insurance Limits for Air Carriers
- Istanbul Financial Center Law: Various Exemptions for Participants
- Aufenthaltserlaubnis in der Türkei [Video]
- Company Mergers in Turkey
- Constitutional Court’s Decision on the Liability of Members of Board of Directors of Joint Stock Companies
- Commercial Agents under Turkish Law
- Türkiye Extends Temporary Rent Cap on Residential Leases
- Work Permits in Turkey [Video]
- Transfer of Personal Data Abroad under Turkish Law
- Gründung einer Zweigniederlassung in der Türkei [Video]
- A New Era for Jewelry Trade in Turkey
- Insurance Arbitration: Update on Claim Thresholds
- Non-cash Capital Contributions into Turkish Companies [Video]
- Differences Between a JSC and an LLC [Video]
- Turkish Company Formation: Update on Minimum Capital Requirements
- Turkey Launches New Asset Peace Scheme
- Copyright Protection in Turkey [Video]
- Turkey Continues to Incorporate Crypto-assets into Financial Regulatory Framework
- Deadlock in Limited Liability Companies [Video]
- Landmark Ruling by Turkish Constitutional Court on Women’s Right to Use Pre-Marriage Last Name
- Novelties on Registration of Foreign Decisions to the Family Registry
- Voluntary Subordination of Claims In Case of a Possible Bankruptcy
- Unterschiede zwischen einer AG und einer GmbH
- Übertragung von Aktien in Aktiengesellschaften in der Türkei [Video]
- Création d'une Coentreprise en Turquie [Video]
- Social Security of Foreign Employees Working in Turkey
- Establishing a Liaison Office in Turkey [Video]
- Blaue Karte in der Türkei
- Erasure, Destruction and Anonymization of Personal Data
- Turkey’s Strategic Plan on Digital Currency
- Air Passengers' Rights Amid Covid-19
- Non-delegable Duties and Authorities of General Assembly in Joint Stock Companies
- Protection of Personal Data in Turkey
- Cross-Border Transfers of Personal Data under Turkish Law
- Covid-19: The Impact of Law No. 7226 on Arbitral Proceedings
- Le licenciement en Turquie
- Beendigung des Arbeitsverhältnisses in der Türkei
- Obtaining Natural Gas Import License in Turkey
- New Procedure for Purchasing a Real Estate
- Liability of the Carrier under Turkish Law
- Création d'une Société Anonyme en Turquie [Video]
- Immobilienerwerb in der Türkei [Video]
- Streamlined Governance: Turkish Commercial Code Amendment Redefines Board Dynamics for Effective Use of Information and Inspection Rights by Board Members
- Différence entre une S.A. et une S.A.R.L. [Video]
- VAT Refund in Turkey: Opportunities for Foreign Companies participating in Trade Shows
- Immobilienerwerb in der Türkei
- Amendments to Turkish Commercial Code for a Faster Liquidation Process
- Transfer of Shares in Limited Liability Companies [Video]
- Making a Will in Türkiye: Formalities and Key Considerations
- Termination of Employment [Video]
- Gründung einer Aktiengesellschaft
- Übertragung von Aktien in Aktiengesellschaften
- Turkey’s First Artificial Intelligence Strategy (2021-2025)
- Appointment of Directors in Limited Liability Companies Under Turkish Law [Video]
- Les Obligations des Actionnaires D’une S.A.R.L.
- Real Estate Acquisition in Turkey [Video]
- Leasing of Residential Properties for Touristic Purposes: New Regulation
- Real Estate Transfer Procedure in Turkey [video]
- Création d’une Succursale en Turquie
- A New Banking Regulation on Duty of Confidentiality
- Effect of Death on Transfer of Shares in LLCs in Turkey [Video]
- Shareholders’ Withdrawal or Dismissal in Joint Stock Companies
- Co-Option in Turkish Joint Stock Companies
- Residence Permits in Turkey [Video]
- Incoterms 2020 to be Launched in September 2019
- Suspension of Execution Proceedings in Turkey
- Air Passenger Rights in Türkiye: Regulation Update
- Einkommensteuer in der Türkei
- Consent in Protection of Personal Data
- Time Charter Contracts under Turkish Law
- The Effect of Provisional Article 1 of Law No. 7226 on Cheque Law
- Types de Contrats de Travail
- Extension of Deadlines on the Communique Regarding the Implementation of Article 376 of the TCC
- Secured Lending in Turkey: Pledge over Bank Accounts
- Arrest of Ships in Turkey
- Nationalité Turque par Investissement [Video]
- Liquidation von Unternehmen in der Türkei [Video]
- Appointment of Directors in Limited Liability Companies Under Turkish Law
- Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards in Turkey
- Übertragung von GmbH Anteilen in der Türkei [Video]
- Amendments on the Regulation on the Implementation of the Turkish Citizenship Law
- Establishing a Joint Venture in Turkey [Video]
- Inheritance Law in Türkiye for Foreigners: Applicable Law
- Turkish Property Contracts: Pre-Sale Agreement
- Cession d’Action dans les S.A.R.L. [Video]
- Dismissal of Board Members in Joint Stock Companies [Video]
- Türkis-Karte in der Türkei
- Importation of Foreign Plated Land Vehicles for Personal Use in Turkey [Video]
- Formation and Licensing of an Electronic Money Institution in Turkey
- Türkiye Narrows Down Real Property Options for Citizenship by Investment
- Social Security Regulations [Video]
- Blue Card Program in Turkey [Video]
- Übertragung von GmbH-Anteilen
- Obligations of LLC Shareholders
- A New Phase for Lease Contracts of Business Premises in Turkey
- Türkiye: Threshold Update on SMEs’ Definition
- Time Extension for the Distribution of Dividends in Capital Companies
- Co-Option in Turkish Joint Stock Companies [Video]
- Gründung einer Zweigniederlassung
- Création d’un Bureau de Liaison
- People
Doing Business in Türkiye
- Immigration
Corporate Setup
- Establishing a Joint Stock Company
- Establishing a Limited Liability Company
- The Differences between a JSC and an LLC
- Establishing a Branch Office
- Establishing a Liaison Office
- Establishing a Joint Venture
- Transfer of Shares in Joint Stock Companies
- Transfer of Shares in Limited Liability Companies
- Liquidation of Companies
- Intellectual Property
- Tax
- Employment
- Real Estate
- Trademark Protection
- Corporate Tax
- Establishing a Joint Stock Company
- Residence Permits
- Types of Employment Contracts
- Real Estate Acquisition
- Income Tax
- Patent Protection
- Real Estate Transfer Procedure
- Termination of Employment
- Establishing a Limited Liability Company
- Work Permits
- The Differences between a JSC and an LLC
- Social Security Regulations
- Turquoise Card
- Value-Added Tax
- Copyright Protection
- Establishing a Branch Office
- Establishing a Liaison Office
- Establishing a Joint Venture
- Transfer of Shares in Joint Stock Companies
- Transfer of Shares in Limited Liability Companies
- Liquidation of Companies
- The Firm
- Careers
- International Network